Ashley Goreczny


Assistant Professor of Marketing at Iowa State University – Ivy College of Business


Ashley Goreczny was a graduate researcher at the Center for Excellence in Brand and Customer Management (CEBCM) at the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University. Her research interests include Sales Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Customer and Employee Engagement, Change Management, and NonProfit Marketing. She has published in the Journal of Marketing Research for her work on why salespeople quit. In that paper, she and her co-authors studied how both own effects, such as performance and customer satisfaction, and peer effects, such as a salesperson’s peers quitting or being fired, change a salesperson’s propensity to turnover. This paper was also featured in the July/August edition of HBR. She has also published in the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, where she and her co-authors studied how attitudes and emotions affect a salesperson’s goal achievement. Presently, she is working on several research projects, including the effect of mentorship on a salesperson’s CRM and sales capabilities, and how communication affects health knowledge and actions. Prior to joining the PhD program at GSU, Ashley was working in Marketing Research and Marketing Consulting for 5 years. She received a BBA in Marketing and an MBA in Marketing at Georgia State University

Winner, StuKent Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Doctoral Student Award, 2017
Fellow, 3rd AMS Doctoral Consortium, 2017
Finalist, MMA StuKent Outstanding Teacher-Scholar Doctoral Student Competition, 2017
Chair + Chair-Elect, 2016-2018 DocSIG
Fellow, 28th SMA Doctoral Consortium, 2016
Winner, SEF/Neil Rackham Research Grant, 2015
Fellow, 4th AIM- AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, 2016

Research Publication:

Sunder, S., Kumar, V., Goreczny, A., & Maurer, T. (2017). Why do Salespeople Quit? An Empirical Examination of Own & Peer Effects on Salesperson Turnover Behavior. Journal of Marketing Research

Kumar, V., Goreczny, A., & Maurer, T. (2018). What Drives a Salesperson’s Goal Achievement? An Empirical Examination. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.


Marketing Management

Sales Management

Professional Sales

Customer and Relationship Management

Product and Brand Management

Marketing Decision Making


International Marketing

Marketing Models