2013 Chang Jiang Scholar Award

2013 CHANG JIANG SCHOLAR AWARD Dr. V. Kumar been named the ‘Chang Jiang Scholar’ by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and the Li Ka Shing Foundation, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of Marketing.

2014 iSIG Fellow Award

2014 ISIG FELLOW AWARD Dr. V. Kumar was recently recognized as a Fellow of the Institute of Sustainable Innovation and Growth (iSIG) located in the School of Management at Fudan University, China. The recognition was for his academic achievements and for his support for the iSIG. The iSIG’s mission is to create, disseminate, and demonstrate […]

Lee Kong Chian Fellow (2015-16) at Singapore Management University, Singapore

LEE KONG CHIAN FELLOW (2015-16) AT SINGAPORE MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY, SINGAPORE The Lee Kong Chian (LKC) Research Fellowship aims to facilitate new research and publishing about Singapore and Southeast Asian culture, economy and heritage. This will enrich the Southeast Asia-centric collections and resources of the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library at the National Library of Singapore […]

2017 Texas A & M University TIAS Faculty Fellow

2017 TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY TIAS FACULTY FELLOW Dr. V. Kumar was presented with the 2017 Eminent Scholar Award by the Hagler Institute for Advanced Study at Texas A & M University. The Hagler Institute for Advanced Study at Texas A&M University welcomed its fifth class of Faculty Fellows during its annual gala in […]

Inducted as the Fellow of the American Marketing Association, 2017

INDUCTED AS THE FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION, 2017 The American Marketing Association is pleased to announce the selection of four extraordinary scholars to be inducted as AMA Fellows. The new Fellows will be honored at Winter AMA 2017 in Orlando on February 17, 2017 at a special reception. V. Kumar, Georgia State University […]