Emergent Research on Business and Society: An India-Centric Perspective
V. Kumar, Salunkhe, U., D.N.Murthy, and Bharath Rajan
Published: Oct 08, 2023
This book edited by Prof. Dr. Uday Salunkhe, Dr. V. Kumar, Prof. Dr. D.N. Murthy, and Bharath Rajan brings together critical and up to date analysis by more than 30 experts on business and management research in India.The editors offer a scoping review management research in the Indian context and reflect on ways in which this strand of research can help better understanding and solving business and societal challenges. Herein, twelve chapters presented in the volume collectively illustrate the emerging research insights for business and society as seen from the perspective of India. Along with some key insights identified, authors also explore possible avenues for future research in three key areas, namely, diversity and inclusion, employee engagement, and the implementation of sustainable practices.