Recipient of the Varadarajan Early Career Contribution Award from AMA, Summer 2017.
Won the Donald R. Lehmann Award for the best dissertation-based research paper published in the Journal of Marketing or the Journal of Marketing Research, 2010
Finalist for the 2010 MSI/H. Paul Root Award.
Finalist for the 2010 Harold H. Maynard Award.
Dissertaion produced a paper that was adjudged the Best Paper in the Retailing Track and Best Overall Conference Paper from the AMA Summer Educators’ Conference in San Diego, CA, 2008
Won the Mary Kay Cosmetics Doctoral Dissertation Award in from the American Marketing Association, 2009
Co-authored a paper that was a finalist for the MSI/Paul H. Root Award in the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Marketing, 2009
Co-authored a paper that was a finalist for the Harold H. Maynard Award for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Marketing, 2009