Possibly the simplest yardstick of Dr. Kumar’s productivity within the field of Marketing and Business would be his contributions in terms of academic publications within the domain, stemming from his ability to generate a continual stream of research ideas, newer methodologies and techniques, strategies and solutions. Dr. Kumar has published over 250 articles in leading academic journals including the Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Operations Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Retailing, International Journal of Forecasting, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Direct Marketing, Marketing Letters, and the Journal of International Marketing, and in many other international journals such as Australasian Journal of Market Research and Revista de Estadistica as well as in the proceedings of many national conferences in the U.S and abroad, books and book chapters, research reports and case studies.
Over the last two decades, Dr. Kumar’s research on newer, more innovative and efficient methodologies has resulted in a rich accumulation of marketing techniques and research frameworks. In this regard, Dr. Kumar’s ever growing list of contributions to Marketing has been extremely influential in fostering a number of much-needed paradigm shifts. Further, through his research findings and the theories that often break the conventional logic and their subsequent implementation in different industries, Dr. Kumar has enabled multi-million dollar gains for many firms, as well as advancing the thought leadership in this area for the academic world.