Dr. V Kumar’s Lifetime Career Contributions
- Recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Researcher and Creative Activity Award, Brock University, ON Canada
- Selected as a “Marketing Legend” and is featured in the “Legends in Marketing” series, Jagdish Sheth (editor) as one of the 8 Legends along with Phil Kotler, Paul Green, Jerry Zaltman, Jagdish Sheth, and Jerry wind.
- Held several Distinguished Faculty positions for many years in the U.S. at Univ of Houston, Univ of Connecticut, Georgia State University, and St. John’s University.
- Recipient of the 2022 AMA Foundation’s Charles Coolidge Parlin Award (oldest and most distinguished in Marketing)
- 2019 AMA Higher Education SIG’s Lifetime Achievement Award
- Inducted into the inaugural Analytics Hall of Fame,2019 (with Tom Davenport, and Beth Comstock)
- Ranked consistently as one of the top scholars in the marketing field for publications in the top 4 premier marketing journals by the American Marketing Association over a rolling period of the last 10 years
- Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Marketing, April 1, 2014 – June 30,2018
- Recipient of 20 Lifetime Achievement Awards/Recognitions (for contributions to various areas of Marketing,), and 3 Fellowship Appointments.
- Recognized as the Distinguished Fellow, MICA, Ahmedabad, India
- Recognized as the Fellow, Hagler Institute for Advanced Study, TAMU, College Station, TX
- Recognized as the Fellow of the American Marketing Association
- Recognized with the highest honor from the Ministry of Education, China as the Chang Jiang Scholar, for the period 2013 -present
- Recognized with the highest honor from Singapore Management University as the Lee Kong Chian Fellow
- Recognized with the highest honor from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China as the Distinguished University Professor, for the period 2016 -present
- Recognized as Regents’ Professor– highest honor given to a professor in the University System of Georgia, 2013-2020
- Honored in China by naming a collaborative research institute at HUST as the V. Kumar International Marketing Science Institute
- Published over 300 articles in the form of journal papers, conference proceedings, research reports, book chapters and case studies; including 25 books, including 3 books that are translated into six languages worldwide.
- Author/Co-author of over 20 Best Paper Awards in premier journals
- 12-time finalist for Best Paper Awards in premier journals
- American Marketing Association has instituted an award to recognize my dedicated mentoring of doctoral students and colleagues in marketing and other disciplines in 2018 (https://www.ama.org/v-kumar-award-for-service-to-marketing-scholarship/ )
- Winner of the 2013 Outstanding Service Excellence Award, 2012 Outstanding Teaching Excellence Award, 2011 Outstanding Research Excellence Award, Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University
- Winner of the 2012 Paul D. Converse Award (For Advancing the Field of Marketing)
- Winner of the 2011-12 Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize Award (Implementation of Best MarketingScience)
- Winner of the 2011 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award (Long Term Impact)
- Winner of the 2009 Sheth Foundation/Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Award (Most Impactful Article)
- Five times consecutive finalist for the Gary L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize Award
- Recipient of 11 Teaching Excellence Awards (including from the Governor of Connecticut)
- Taught in over 30 countries, over 24 courses across Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral programs worldwide
- Supervised over 16 award-winning doctoral dissertations
- Served/serving on several academic and corporate boards
- Serving on Editorial Review Boards of 12 scholarly journals
- Created Business Impact through Implementation of over 2 billion dollars in incremental revenue through implementation of marketing science models/methods
- Consistently featured in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who Among the Most Admired Men & Women of the Decade, Who’s Who Among Business Leaders, Who’s Who Among Asian Americans, Who’s Who Among Global Business Leaders, and Who’s Who Worldwide
- Conferred the title of “Marketing Guru” by the Indian Institute of Technology Alumni Association, India
- Conferred with “Bharat Gaurav Award,” and “Hind Rattan Award” from the Union Ministers of the Government of India in 2009
- Conferred with “Pravasi Achievers Gold Medal” at the House of Lords, U.K. 2010
- Conferred with “Glory of India Award,” Crowne Plaza Hotel in Buckingham Gate, U.K.,2010
- Conferred with “Best Professor in Marketing” Trophy and certificate by the Asia’s Best Business School Awards Program organized by the CMOAsia.Org in Singapore 2010, (Repeat Winner – Kuala Lumpur 2013 – WMS)
- Graduated with “Honors” in the Bachelors Program and First Rank Gold Medal, Master’s Program, Indian Institute of Technology, India
- Recognized as a Distinguished Marketing Doctoral Student Alumni, University of Texas at Austin