Sarang Sunder

Assistant Professor of Marketing, 

Neeley School of Business, Texas Christian University

Sarang Sunder was a doctoral candidate and researcher at the Center for Excellence in Brand and Customer Management (CEBCM) at the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University. His research interests include Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Diffusion modeling, Consumers’ Social Behavior, and Salesperson valuation. His work on group-buying tendencies of customers won the Shopper Marketing Proposal competition held by MSI & ACR. In this research, he studies the impact of other consumer on a specific consumer’s purchase pattern resulting in a snowball effect in demand. He has published in the Journal of International Marketing for his work on Global CRM diffusion, where he along with his co-authors develop a cross-regional learning diffusion model to predict Global CRM growth. Presently, he is working on several projects on ‘understanding the value of a Salesperson’ and ‘modeling the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) in a CPG setting’. Additionally, he has presented his working paper on ‘Modeling the Marketing Dynamics in an Emerging Market’ at the Marketing Dynamics conference in 2011. Prior to joining the PhD program at GSU, Sarang received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Anna University, India.

Awards and Honors:

Donald R. Lehmann Award for the best dissertation-based research paper published in the Journal of Marketing or the Journal of Marketing Research, 2017

Mary Kay Dissertation Proposal Competition, 2016

SEF/Neil Rackham Research Grant, 2015

Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative (WCAI) Research Data Grant, 2015

John Howard/AMA Doctoral dissertation award 2015

ISMS Doctoral Consortium Fellow 2014

GTA Teaching Excellence Award, Spring 2014

AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow 2012

ISBM PhD Student Camp for Research 2012

Awarded $12,000 from MSI & Association for Consumer Research (ACR) for research on Shopper Marketing titled “Do Consumers Move in Herds? An Empirical Study of How Collective Behavior Affects Shopping with an Online Coupon Retailer.” (Co-authored with V. Kumar, Yashoda Bhagwat & Dhruv Grewal)